Weekdays from 8 am until at least midnight, and to at least 1 am on Friday and Saturday nights.
Service is possible outside these hours, by prior arrangement. Surcharges may apply.
Hail us as we’re circulating or stationed, mostly downtown and on the waterfront.
Call or text (preferred) for ASAP dispatch to your location.
Request an appointment for a ride or delivery on-line, or over the phone.
Our pedicabs can carry 2-3 adults at a time, with a maximum 550 lb. payload. Children under the age of 16 are required to wear helmets, which we have aboard. Our plug-in hybrid minivan can carry six passengers, and our Teslas can carry four passengers each.
Fares within city limits include a minimum $5 pick-up fee, destinations under a mile would be no more than an additional $10, while destinations over a mile would be an additional $15. Typical total base fares within the city range from $10-20. Tips are customary (10-20%) and greatly appreciated.
Pick-up fees outside of the city limits are based on driving time ($1.10-$1.25/minute) from the US Post Office (408 Cascade Avenue, Hood River). Fares are calculated in Google Maps, from the pickup, to the destination, and back to the post office. Standby time (after a few minutes of grace period) is $1/minute. For more than 2 passengers we add $3, $5, or $10 additional per passenger, depending on the distance.
Chauffeur, tour, special event, and companion services are available at $65/hour.
For payment we accept cash, local checks, Venmo, Cash App, credit cards, and barter.
Hiring Drivers
Looking for a fun way to keep fit, interact with our amazing community, do ecological good, and earn money?
“Faster than walking, more fun than driving, you get where you are going and you don’t pay for parking. It’s like a cross between a taxi and a ride at Disneyland.”