Matty Green around town, ready to serve with Pedicab, Pedihaul, Pedieats, & Taxi Van.

Announcing a new coronavirus-adaption resource! We have created a local food and drink resource list for our Gorge community that will be updated regularly. It lists, informs, and links you to businesses and services that are active during this unprecedented health crisis. Please support and patronize local business, and volunteer for local organizations whenever you are able.
I’ve posted a sample of the first two pages of the twelve page document. Please link to the full list through our homepage: Downloadable!
There’s also a couple photos of a bike takeout food delivery I made from Kobe Sushi to Eric, at the Holiday Inn Express. He looks pretty pumped up!
Take care and stay healthy! Matty Green
@basikhoodriver @bodaskitchen @camp1805distillery @crushcidercafe @doublemountainbrewery @farmstandinthegorge @fermentbrewingcompany @goodnewsgardening @hoodcrestwinery @hoodriverorganics @ixtapa_hood_river @kickstandcoffeekitchen @kin_eatery @kobesushi_ @laketaco1 @lilosbbq_td @localrhoots @pho_river @pinestreetbakeryhoodriver @thepines1852 @remedyjuicecafe @river_city_saloon @riverside_cebulounge @romuls_restaurant @64taphouse @slopeswell @solsticepizza @sushiokalani @10speedcoffeebar @thaihousehoodriver @volcanicbottleshoppe @wickedhoodriver @applevalleybbq @gratefulvineyard @thegorgewhitehouse @michogrill @solerabrewery @staveandstone @columbiagorgebakery @everybodysbrewing @feastmkt @pioneerpizzakitchen @mosiermarket @harvestmarket_whitesalmon @rosauerssupermarkets @fishhoodriver @visithoodriver
#takeoutdelivery #hoodriver #hoodriveroregon #columbiarivergorge #hoodrivertaxi #radpowerbikes #supportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #localbusiness #visithoodriver #hoodgorge #mealsonwheels #localeats #supportlocalrestaurants #carryout #curbside #ordertogo #orderin #takeout

The pedicab has reemerged from its winter slumber! The first ride of the year was with a regular, Brandon, and his consort, heading home from a Walmart shopping spree to the upper Heights. Guess I’m not too out of shape—taking Hospital Hill and a simultaneous phone call without huffing too loudly. Exhilarating to be back in the saddle!
Come join in the fun of getting out and about, running errands, and bumping (figuratively) into friends and neighbors. It was a such a pleasure to talk on the sidewalk with my fellow bike enthusiast, Megan Ramey, and garden guru, Becki Montgomery. @rolloninn @adamscreekcohousing
Social distance maintained-check. Sanitization systems in place-check. Smiles and giggles produced-check, check!
#supportlocal #localbusiness #localtransport #hoodriver #hoodriveroregon #pedicab #pedicablife #pedicabs #pedicabdriver #hoodrivertaxi #pedicab4life #pedicabvibes #pedicabride #greenliving #radpowerbikes #supportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #uberalternative #lyftalternative #peditaxi #peddleassit #solarpower #hoodgorge #pnwlife #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered #columbiagorgous

Although not quite as colorful as my riders broken down, hand-painted V-dub, my newest addition to the fleet is a bit more reliable. Since Thanksgiving I’ve pressed our family Honda Odyssey 2002 minivan into service as a cozy 6-passenger taxi van. The market called, and we answered with this bridge vehicle to test the waters before I plunge into building an electric vehicle (EV) transportation empire in the Gorge.
We’re taking every precaution to safeguard our passenger’s health during this fraught health emergency. All touch surfaces are sanitized with alcohol and appropriate essential oils between rides. Complimentary tissues and hand sanitizer is on board. Windows are kept open as much as possible, with the heat turned up. We’re encouraging touch-less payment using your phone or Venmo and Cash App. Our service will carry you across town, help you run errands, or take you as far afield as Portland, The Dalles, Mt. Hood, and Trout Lake.
#support local #hoodriver #localbusiness #gorgelife #columbiagorge #hoodrivertaxi #uberalternative #lyftalternative #taxi #localtransport #minivan

Pedieats, up to now a minor component of my business, is being fully activated! There are three of us poised to carry takeout, including beer/wine/cider, run errands such as grocery shopping, deliver prescriptions, and possibly marijuana in the near future.
Here’s how it works for a food or drink order: 1. call or text us at (541) 714-3130 to confirm our availability and receive a quote, 2. place and pay for your order with the food/drink establishment and get a conservative estimate when it will be ready, 3. call or text us that estimate, 4. pay us for the delivery of your items when we arrive, preferably with a non-contact option such as Venmo or Cash App.
We have insulated boxes to keep your items hot 🔥and cold❄️.
Fees are generally based on time, from and returning to our downtown Hood River base. We charge $1/minute or $50/hour for our services. Typically, delivery within town will run $10-20. A sliding scale is available for those experiencing economic hardship.
Here is a sampling of the businesses we are coordinating with: @64taphouse @basikhoodriver @freshiesbagelsandjuice @doublemountain @fermentbrewing @pfriembeer @riverside_cebulounge @taqueria_el_cuate_1 @kin_eatery @bodaskitchen @wickedhoodriver @river_city_saloon @riverdazecafe The Subterranean Steakhouse, The Sixth Street Bistro & Pub @crushcidercafe @pho_river @lilosbbq_td @laketaco1 @slopeswell @farmstandinthegorge @pinestreetbakeryhoodriver @mesquitery.and.shed Thai House, Tilly Jane’s.
#takeoutdelivery #hoodriver #hoodriveroregon #columbiarivergorge #hoodrivertaxi #radpowerbikes #supportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #localbusiness #visithoodriver #hoodgorge #64taphouse #basikhoodriver #doublemountainbrewery #fermentbrewingcompany #pfriemfamilybrewers #kin_eatery #bodaskitchen #wickedhoodriver #crushcidercafe #laketaco1 #slopeswell #farmstandinthegorge #pinestreetbakeryhoodriver #river_city_saloon

Welcome Spring, everyone! The equinox is tonight. With this pivot in season comes major Coronavirus changes reverberating throughout our community. I wish for you all to stay safe and healthy! My energies and concentration is shifting towards getting goods delivered about our town and region. I want to be of service in supporting social distancing, collaborating with local businesses, and spreading good cheer. What better way to meet these objectives than my first delivery of pizza and beer from Double Mountain Brewery, yesterday?! @doublemountain .
#doublemountainbrewery #hoodriver #hoodriveroregon #columbiariver #columbiarivergorge #traveloregon #bikedelivery #greenliving #radpowerbikes #ssupportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #uberalternative #localbusiness #peddleassit #solarpower #visithoodriver #hoodgorge #pnwlife #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered🌲🌲🌲

Zombies with red wine dripping down their chins? This year’s downtown Hood River HalloWine Walk isn’t quite that gruesome. Hard to be too scary when the happening takes place in daylight hours, noon-6pm today and tomorrow. Out-of-town visitors Dane and Kristin were markedly pleasant in their Old West garb, hitting up modern day saloons-wine bars.
#winewalk #hoodriver #hoodriveroregon #columbiariver #columbiarivergorge #traveloregon #pedicab #pedicablife #pedicabs #pedicabdriver #hoodrivertaxi #pedicab4life #pedicabvibes #pedicabride #greenliving #radpowerbikes #ssupportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #uberalternative #localbusiness #peditaxi #peddleassit #solarpower #visithoodriver #hoodgorge #pnwlife #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered

My friends riding free of fossil fuels, it’s Fall, and I’m gearing up to begin feeding you again. With the weather cooling down and wetting up I’ve got you covered with a clear vinyl enclosed cab, Pendleton wool blankets, and the infamous Lava Buns heated seats. And, in addition to my standard free local beer and wine offerings with your ride, tonight I’ve begun serving up Hot Toddies, compliments of Jules at the Moth Lounge. She’ll also take a dollar off your tab when you catch a pedicab ride to her digs! Don’t miss out on energetic Scaryoke tonight and tomorrow.
@julieburton6959 #mothlounge .
#hoodriver #hoodriveroregon #columbiariver #columbiarivergorge #traveloregon #pedicab #pedicablife #pedicabs #pedicabdriver #hoodrivertaxi #pedicab4life #pedicabvibes #greenliving #radpowerbikes #ssupportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #uberalternative #localbusiness #peditaxi #visithoodriver #hoodgorge #pnwlife #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered

Hot summer weather calls for a skinny dipping story. A local young lady (will remain anonymous) and her consort requested a ride to the waterfront for relief from the sweaty dancehalls of downtown. The Nichols Basin dock was just the ticket. Exuberant from a refreshing dip the lass hopped on top of my pedicab canopy before I had a chance to object. So, making the best of it, I captured her in this artful pose, then coaxed her down safe and sound. Unfortunately, the frame of my canopy didn’t fare so well. Noticed a few days later that some welds had broken. Nothing that my neighbor of Mikey’s Mufflers couldn’t put back together. Repair cost = media material. #skinnydipping #hotsummernights .
#hoodriver #hoodriveroregon #columbiariver #columbiarivergorge #traveloregon #pedicab #pedicablife #pedicabs #pedicabdriver #hoodrivertaxi #pedicab4life #pedicabvibes #pedicabride #greenliving #radpowerbikes #ssupportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #uberalternative #peditaxi #peddleassit #visithoodriver #hoodgorge #pnwlife #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered

The Garcia Birthday Band brought a bag of good vibes to our town last weekend. Really! they raised the energy way beyond The Ruins venue they rocked. For instance, they brought me closer to the coolest mother/daughter duo I’ve ever encountered. Kathy Fitzpatrick (Mobility Manager at the Mid-Columbia Development District) and her sparkling 90+ year-old mother, Mary, walked and wheel chaired from their home near Full Sail to the waterfront for pFriem’s free concert series. We made arrangements to pedicab back and I suggested a detour to catch the end of the GBB show. They were absolutely delighted to dig a Dead experience. Even said they might pass on attending Burning Man this year cause they were feeling elements of that experience right here! I’m inspired to grow old and stay cool. The third shot is of my new bud and driver, Kyle, and his wife, Holly, giggling and smooching all the way home from the show. @garciabirthdayband @theruinsevents @pfriembeer .
#garciabirthdayband #theruinsevents #pfriemfamilybrewers #hoodriver #hoodriveroregon #columbiariver #columbiarivergorge #traveloregon #pedicab #pedicablife #pedicabs #pedicabdriver #hoodrivertaxi #pedicab4life #pedicabvibes #pedicabride #greenliving #radpowerbikes #ssupportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #uberalternative #localbusiness #peditaxi #visithoodriver #hoodgorge #pnwlife #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered

Hood River Pedicab and Sol Rides had our first collaboration this week, and we rolled very well together I must say. Charlie Crocker is a master guide in every sense, sharing his passion for place and people, both present and past, with ease and grace. I sure learned plenty watching him in action. We had a work group from the Nike Beaverton campus out for the day to explore the Gorge and a selection of its wine offerings around the Mosier area. The Twin Tunnels Trail conveyed us from Hood River in epic, scenic style. Kelly of Garnier Vineyards hosted us for the first tasting and we took lunch on their lovely deck. Across the highway we followed our noses to Idiot’s Grace. Trevor took over tour duties here while walking the group through fascinating wine tasting talk, wandering right through the vineyard. The crew, including my rider John with his broken hand, were thoroughly content on the electric-assist cruise back to their cars. Can’t wait to move in the pack again soon! @sol_rides @garniervineyards @idiotsgracewines .
#sol_rides #garniervineyards #idiotsgracewines #mosier #columbiariver #columbiarivergorge #traveloregon #pedicab #pedicablife #pedicabs #pedicabdriver #pedicab4life #pedicabvibes #pedicabride #greenliving #radpowerbikes #ssupportlocalbusiness #gorgeowned #localbusiness #peditaxi #peddleassit #visithoodriver #hoodgorge #pnwlife #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered #pnwonderland #columbiagorgous #mthoodterritory #pnwdiscovered